Keizai Silicon Valley

is a Silicon Valley based business and professional networking NPO organization. Its primary purpose is to provide opportunities for executives and professionals to develop the knowledge and human networks for successful US-Japan business.



Launch Tank Pitch Contest

Join Keizai for an exciting startup pitch contest at Procopio in Palo Alto, in partnership with the Jewish High Tech Community (JHTC) and the German American Business Association (GABA) Northern California. Whether you are an investor, a startup, or just interested in the latest ideas from the Silicon Valley innovation ecosystem, please join us!



Yuka Nagashima

Program Manager

As a recent transplant to Silicon Valley, it was challenging to choose from so many opportunities to meet people and continue to learn. I was fortunate to have multiple people recommend Keizai Silicon Valley’s events as a great way to network with people interested in doing business with Japan or with connections to Japan. Because Silicon Valley is so big, it is easy to feel lost, but at Keizai SV, I felt welcomed by staff and other attendees who seemed genuine in their well wishes and intellectually curious about the topics its programs explored. That’s when I decided to join as a volunteer member. It has been such a pleasure working with other committed volunteer staff to bring quality events to this community. It is this type of group that adds diversity to Silicon Valley, a different perspective that adds to its innovation ecosystem.

Gregory Bennett

Social Media Manager

I moved back to the Bay Area shortly after graduate school, and I involved myself with Keizai to expand my network and learn more about Japan-US business relations in Silicon Valley. Upon joining the staff, I was welcomed by a highly inspiring, innovative, and positive group of leaders who consistently provide me a new, fresh perspective on the corporate world outside of school and the myriad forms it can take in practice. Volunteering at Keizai has been thrilling and educational every step of the way and I thoroughly enjoy contributing my work to the organization in the realm of social media. I highly recommend it to those who are new to the Bay Area or are seeking to grow their network and expand their approaches to professional life.

Tim Koide

Program Manager

Keizai Silicon Valley provides me with an opportunity to view Silicon Valley from the perspective of its role as a global innovation hub–a unique catch-all for the talent and ideas of the world. Through its events and fora, it allows me to stay informed of and connected to the movements of Japanese entities in the Valley, and gives me the network and architecture necessary to help facilitate dialogue and exchange between stakeholders from Japan and the rest of the world represented here.

Our Team

Chimmy Shioya


May Kao

Vice President, Operations

Yayoi Kaneko


Sachiko Bussey

Media Relations Manager

Jiyoung Choi

Program Manager

Phil Keys

Lead Program Manager

Akemi Koda

Program Committee Member

Tim Koide

Program Manager

Yui Komuro

Program Manager

Carol Leung

Event Manager

Fernando Lorenzo

Fernando Lorenzo

Program Manager

Sheena Makhecha

Sheena Makhecha

Corporate Relations Manager

Marcelo Martins

Web Content Manager

Ayumi Mukai

Office Manager

Yuka Nagashima

Program Manager

Danny Ooi

Program Manager

Joe Quinlan

Content Manager

Diana Sankovic

Program Manager

Gordon Sasamori

Director of IT

Kenneth Sasamori

Kenneth Sasamori

Business Analyst

Sachi Sawamura

Program Manager

Hitomi Smith

Hitomi Smith

Program Manager

Chieko Stuck


Mari Takahashi

Corporate Relations Manager

Michiko Yamori

Program Manager

Kaori Yoshida

Program Manager

Qing Zhang

Corporate Relations Manager

Board Members

Richard Dasher

Director, US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University

Allen Miner

Founder/Chairman and CEO, SunBridge group

Koji Osawa

Managing Principal & Co-Founder, Global Catalyst Partners

Tsuyoshi Taira

CEO, Tazan International Inc.

Chimmy Shioya

Senior Director of Business Development, ZL Technologies, Inc.

Our Sponsorships

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